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uɐʎɹ ррoʇ uɐʎɹ

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robotic life signs.
makes noise, hears sounds, intafon.
affe auf deux roues.

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Since my latest job has gotten me using the Terminal in OSX much moreso than I used to, I’ve had to bone up on my unix (and linux) commands. Unfortunately, when OSX sets up your user account, there is no .bashrc file (that I could find) for doing things like setting up handy command aliases. For example, by default, typing “ls ~” in the terminal will give you a listing of your home directory, but will not list any “invisible” files (those that start with “.”). So, it would be nice to have “ls” actually call “ls -a” every time.

So, to accomplish this, you need to create 2 files, “.bashrc” and “.bash_profile” in your user directory. The contents of the .bash_profile file need to be as such for starters:

. ~/.bashrc
export ENV

Then, the contents of .bashrc need to be something like this:

alias ls="ls -a"

This will get you started. If you have any questions beyond that, do some online searches for .bashrc and shell configuration. (I’m no expert, I just figure out what I need to do to get stuff done…)